Magida Najjar of my My Mothers' Kitchens

Welcome to Feastful Fork, your ultimate destination for delicious, pork-free recipes! If you were looking to avoid pork for dietary, religious, or personal reasons, Feastful Fork has a wide array of mouthwatering dishes that never compromise flavor. Our collection features innovative alternatives to popular pork-based recipes, using high-quality ingredients such as beef, lamb, and seafood to create satisfying and delectable meals. From hearty stews and savory roasts to fresh and vibrant seafood dishes, Feastful Fork is dedicated to providing you with creative and delicious options for every meal.

My name is Magida. I am the person, voice, and creator behind Feastful Fork. My first apron was a project in Home Economics class in grade school. From then on, I started cooking and frequenting the kitchen, never without an apron even when just washing the dishes. My love for food can be expressed in the phrase “I will try anything once.” I seek to try as I am thrilled at the feeling of anticipation; it is usually where true love for food begins.

Feastful Fork used to be My Mothers’ Kitchens (MMK). MMK’s recipes are now available here, plus more. Let me guess your favorite recipe from MMK. Is that chicken nilaga, thareed, dry chicken adobo, Saudi champagne, dynamite cheese sticks, homemade sardines, Bangladeshi kacchi biryani? I know, right?

The absence of pork in my recipes is influenced by two things:

1) Mom and Dad (peace be with them) raised their family (that is us, of course) that way. We do not cook/eat anything with pork. Oh yes, Mom and Dad are Christians and so are my siblings;

2) I found Islam in 2001. “No pork, my dear.” No problem, at all!

Feastful Fork, just like MMK the way you know it, will not try to impress you with hard-to-find ingredients, nor confuse you with complicated instructions. I believe in simplifying things, including cooking. Well, some recipes take time to cook, aha! That, I am sure you know, is a different story.

While MMK was at its inception, my brother and I also worked on and published a book with a collection of our mom’s recipes – an idea mom initiated while she was on her first visit to Saudi Arabia. It was a work of love and has now been available on Amazon.


I am a retired human resources practitioner and communications professional – initially in the Philippines and mostly in Saudi Arabia. I moved from my country to Saudi Arabia in the late 80s as an overseas worker and as fate has it, this has become my home. I have been living here with my family.

I am married to my ever-loving and supportive husband (Mr. Green Eyes); we were blessed with three sweet and adoring sons – Danyal, Adnan, and Yousif. Yousif has Downs’ Syndrome and is forever a baby in our eyes and hearts. Adnan is a sweet young man who claims that growing up is a trap as he prefers to be without many responsibilities. However, he is betrayed by his own nature as he has always proved to be a reliable brother, son, cousin, uncle, and friend. My first-born Danyal (who was born in the early 90s) joined Our Creator when he was 20 years old due to a rare metabolic condition. Yeah, the pain of losing was and is intense, but we have been grateful for the years Danyal was with all of us.

Welcome again to Feastful Fork.


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