Sugarless date cakes
Baked desserts Health Recipes Kitchen Tips

Sugarless Cake Recipe Experiment: With and Without Sweeteners

Through my baking journey, I have tried some sugar-free cakes, and posted one of them – the sugarless date cake. One of Feastful Fork’s followers asked me this question:

Hi . For your sugar free date cake can I skip the Splenda altogether and just rely on the dates for sweetness?

I experimented to find out whether it was possible to enjoy this indulgence without adding regular sugar nor sweetener.

Let me tell you, the results were interesting!

At Her Request: Relying on the Natural Sweetness of Dates

For this attempt, I was determined to keep it as natural as possible, I believe that is what she wanted. I intended then to see how much sweetness the dates could offer on its own, so I completely ditched the sugar. Dates are naturally sweet, so I thought, “Why not?”

The process went smoothly, and I was excited to see how it would turn out. When the cake came out of the oven, it smelled heavenly. Slicing into it and taking that first bite, I could tell that it was successful. However, I noticed that while the cake was sweet, it wasn’t quite the same as the date cake I was used to. The texture was a bit dry, and it didn’t rise as much as I had hoped. Oh yes, it was still edible (and honestly, I had no problem finishing that first slice), but it lacked that fluffy, tender crumb that I love in cakes. As for sweetness, the dates did a decent job. I just felt like it needed just a bit more to really shine.

Date cake without sugar

Just to Compare: The Original Cake Recipe with Splenda

This sugarless date cake recipe actually has another tweak. From its classic recipe that called for sugar which I replaced with equal amount of Splenda sweetener, I added added half a cup of powdered milk and half a teaspoon of baking soda to give the cake the boost it needs that regular sugar gives and that Splenda lacks somehow. Both add a nice creaminess, and help with the rise and fluffiness.

It had a nice rise and texture. It wasn’t dry, and the sweetness was right on point, without being overpowering. The powdered milk gave it a subtle richness, and the Splenda did a great job mimicking the sweetness you’d expect from sugar. I’d say this version came pretty close to the original date cake recipe that uses sugar—except, of course, it’s a lot healthier!

Sugarless Cake Recipe with Sweeter

The Verdict: A Matter of Preference

So, which version is better? That really depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re trying to cut out sugar entirely and are okay with a mildly sweet, slightly denser cake, then the first version—sweetened only with dates—might be right up your alley. It’s definitely a more natural, less processed option and would be perfect for someone focused on clean eating.

On the other hand, if you’re open to using sweeteners like Splenda and don’t mind a few small additions like powdered milk and baking soda, the original version will give you a fluffier, more traditionally cake-like result. It’s still sugar-free, but it has a richer texture and sweetness that’s closer to the real deal.

In the end, it’s really about what you prefer and what your health goals are. Both versions offer a delicious, guilt-free alternative to the classic date cake, and the best part is, you can experiment and adjust the recipe to suit your taste.

For a quick rundown, here are the two date cake recipes – one without any sweeteners and the other with Splenda; the instructions are almost the same.

Date Cake Relying on Sweetness of DatesDate Cake with Splenda Sweetener
1-1/2 cup whole wheat flour1-1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 eggs2 eggs
½ cup shortening (or unsalted butter)½ cup shortening (or unsalted butter)
¼ tsp salt¼ tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda1-1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup hot water1 cup hot water
1 cup fresh ripe dates (or date paste)1 cup fresh ripe dates (or date paste)
 1 cup sweetener (Splenda)
 ½ cup milk powder
1 cup walnuts, pecans, or ground almonds1 cup walnuts, pecans, or ground almonds
  • Soak the dates or date paste in hot water and leave them until they are at room temperature. If using dates, skin and deseed them.
  • Mix dry ingredients and sift them.
  • In a separate bowl, and using an electric mixer on medium-high speed, cream the shortening (or butter, if using) and sweetener for two minutes. Delete the sweetener here for the first version, but cream the shortening still.
  • Add the eggs one at a time with a minute interval while continuing to beat at the same speed.
  • Add the flour mixture and wet ingredients (pre-soaked dates) alternatively. I do 3 batches of each, adding the vanilla extract in between or last.
  • Add nuts, if using, and beat just one round; or fold in the nuts with the batter.
  • Pour the cake batter into a greased and floured cake tin, or greased and parchment paper-lined cake tin.
  • Bake in a preheated oven for approximately 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Let the cake cool in the tin for 10-15 minutes before transferring it to a wire rack.
Sugarless Cake Recipes

Sugarless date cakes

Note: If you notice, yes, these recipes do not ask for baking powder.

Here is the recipe card for sugarless date cake (using Splenda)

If you’ve tried making a sugarless date cake or have your own tweaks, I’d love to hear about them! For me, this was a fun little experiment in the kitchen, and I can’t wait to keep exploring more ways to make healthier, but still super tasty, desserts.

Additional Tips

To store leftover date cakes and keep them fresh, here are a few options:

  1. Room Temperature (for short-term storage):
    If you plan to finish the cake within 2-3 days, simply store it in an airtight container at room temperature. This will help keep it moist and prevent it from drying out.
  2. Refrigeration (for longer storage):
    For storage up to a week, place the leftover date cake in an airtight container and refrigerate it. Chilling the cake will preserve its moisture and extend its freshness.
  3. Freezing (for long-term storage):
    If you want to keep your date cake for a longer period, freezing is a great option. Wrap the cake tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, then place it in a freezer-safe bag or container. It can last for up to a month in the freezer. When you’re ready to eat it, thaw the cake in the fridge or at room temperature.

To preserve moisture in all cases, you can also add a piece of parchment paper between layers or wrap individual slices before freezing them for easy grab-and-go servings.

Frequently-Asked Questions

Can I make a date cake without any sugar at all?

Yes! I made a date cake with no sugar and relied entirely on the natural sweetness of the dates. While the cake came out slightly dry and less fluffy, it was still sweet enough to be enjoyable. If you’re looking for a natural, sugar-free dessert, this is a great option.

How sweet is the cake without sugar?

The sweetness level is mild when using only dates, so it won’t be as sweet as a traditional cake. The natural sugars in the dates give the cake a subtle sweetness, but it may not satisfy those with a strong sweet tooth. For more sweetness, consider using a sugar substitute like Splenda.

What difference does Splenda make in the recipe?

Adding Splenda (1 cup in this case) gave the cake a sweetness closer to that of a traditional date cake made with sugar. It also helped improve the texture, making the cake more moist and fluffy.

Why did you add powdered milk and baking soda to your sugarless date cake?

The powdered milk added a subtle richness and creaminess to the cake, while the baking soda helped with leavening, making the cake rise better and giving it a softer texture. These small additions made a big difference in the overall result. You do not need them if you are using sugar.

Is this cake suitable for health-conscious people?

Definitely! Both versions of the cake are great for those who are looking to cut back on sugar. The experiment version, sweetened only with dates, is a completely natural and less processed option. The version that uses Splenda, is still sugar-free but provides more of the traditional cake texture and sweetness.

Can I use other sugar substitutes instead of Splenda?

Yes, you can! You could try using other sugar alternatives like Stevia, monk fruit sweetener, or erythritol. Keep in mind that each natural sweetener, and even artificial sweeteners, behave differently, so you might need to experiment with the quantities to get the right balance of sweetness and texture.

Can I modify the recipe further?

Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with other ingredients, such as using almond or oat milk instead of powdered milk, or adding spices like cinnamon or cardamom for extra flavor. The beauty of this recipe is that it’s flexible, so you can adjust it based on your taste or dietary preferences.

What if I prefer a moister cake?

If you want an even moister cake, you can try adding a bit of oil or applesauce to the batter. Both are great options for adding moisture without compromising the cake’s health benefits.

How can I store the sugarless date cake?

Store the cake in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, or refrigerate it if you want it to last longer—about a week. You can also freeze the cake for up to a month; just make sure to wrap it well to keep it fresh.

Can this cake be served for special occasions?

Absolutely! The sugarless date cake is delicious enough to serve for special occasions. It’s a healthier alternative that won’t make your guests miss the sugar, and it pairs wonderfully with coffee or tea.

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